Product Features

We’re continually adding to our rich set of features to help you and your team be as happy and productive as possible. Review some of the highlights below.

Feature List

Improve Internal & External Communication

Knowledge Management is vital to the growth and evolution of any company. GoGoWorx allows you to manage information for your own team, as well as providing media-rich contextual information for your users. Referencing a powerful knowledge base, with advanced lexical search leveraging the latest in Natural Language Processing (NLP) helps everyone reach information more easily.

Collect Actionable Data

Powerful metrics showing which articles and areas of your knowledge base are being accessed and searched allow you to devote resources where they can be most effective and make informed support decisions.

Feature List

The Only Tool You’ll Ever Need

Rely on GoGoWorx to take care of your knowledge management needs and help you better support your team and your customers.

AI Powered NLP Search

Unleashing the full potential of our Artificial Intelligence powered Natural Language Processing (NLP) lexical search, find references to all of your information with ease. Intelligent weighting is applied to ensure relevant results are shown first, with a focus on intent, rather than the words you typed

API Gateway

The flexible and secure way to automate your knowledge management system. Uploading content, managing users or defining visibility groups is easily achieved using convenient RESTful APIs that are a breeze to work with

Featured Articles

Editors can mark articles as featured to give them higher visibility to visitors. Featured articles are displayed in a list on the homepage for convenient access.

Full Featured Editor

The powerful built-in editor allows you to create and edit articles with ease, applying font and paragraph styling as well as inserting images and media.

Most Popular Articles

Users can see which articles are trending by selecting from the Most Popular or Top-Rated Articles and other quick lists shown on the main homepage.

File Attachments

Drag and drop file attachments of different types to articles that users can easily download. Easily access images, documents, spreadsheets or any other types, including custom formats.

Related Articles

Provide users a link to related helpful articles helping them quickly find answers.

Style Customization

Optional style customization allows you to match your corporate identity. Logos, color schemes, custom CSS or links to other sites can easily be crafted.

Glossary Terms

Help users by highlighting and explaining glossary terms that you use, removing the need for them to look up meaning of acronyms or other ambiguous phrases.

Drag & Drop Functionality

Add images and media with drag and drop ease. Also, organize your articles and categories into the order you want.

Configurable Categories

Customize your own categories and hierarchy of how articles are organized, aiding user navigation. Easily change the layout again later if needed

Automatic Breadcrumbs

Users can easily see their location using the clickable breadcrumbs, ensuring they never get lost in articles.

Article Reference Links

Automatically look up and link to other articles directly from within the editor, allowing rapid access to referenced pages.

Group Permissions

Assign access to content and users through flexible group configurations. Only permit those you choose to see the content you want

Put Your Knowledge to Work

Knowledge is the life blood of industry. Organize it, harness it, and put it to work. It will pay dividends. Think of how much time and knowledge is tied up with your support team, and what happens when they leave – centralize, organize and leverage this powerful asset.

Feature List

"Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it."

– Lao Tzu

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